Wednesday, August 30, 2006


Love Connection?

Morty's TV had this recent post about Janelle and Will's after dinner flirting activity:

10:30PM BBT: Erika and Boogie keep looking at each other in that way. Janelle and Will are on the HoH balcony, not really playing cards, they're holding cards, and whispering, giggling, and cuddling. Will says, "I like you" and Janelle said, "I like you a lot." Janelle said, "I really wish I could kiss you" and "I want you." Will responded (no longer whispering) with, "Just play cards." A little later... Will told Janelle to stop whispering and he keeps saying no when she says she wants to tell him something, but, he keeps going to her anyway. Janelle whispered, "What about your girlfriend?" and Will said "We'll figure it out."

Oh, c'mon guys! Just hook up already! I'd bet the $500K that this isn't Janie's first time stealing someone's boyfriend, so what's the big deal?! They're the two most bad ass players in the history of the game, it's only fitting they get together. The two hottest movie stars ever hooked up, so why can't the two best houseguests ever do it too?

I love their little romance. It's the only entertaining thing left on the show because it looks like I'm gonna hate whoever wins anyway. That is, unless the winner is Will or Janelle.

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